Background: Viral hemorrhagicsepticemia (VHS) is a serious viral disease that infects the olive flounder in South Korea.
This usually indicates an infectious disease of considerable severity, and occurs in blood poisoning, purpura hemorrhagica, hemorrhagicsepticemia, and in urticaria.
At the present time vaccination has been found effective against blackleg, hog cholera, anthrax, lockjaw, strangles, rabies, hemorrhagicsepticemia, white scours, etc.
Ús de pasteurellosis en anglès
Further evaluation of this vaccine as a tool in preventing and managing pasteurellosis in bighorn sheep appears warranted.
Further evaluation of this vaccine as a tool in preventing and managing pasteurellosis in wild bighorn sheep appears warranted.
However, control unvaccinated chickens experimentally infected with P. multocida developed signs of acute pasteurellosis and died by the 10th day post-challenge.
This previously unidentified protease may be an important protective antigen in vaccines designed to prevent pneumonic pasteurellosis resulting from P. trehalosi in bighorn sheep.
Based on these data, we believe that this experimental P. haemolytica vaccine is safe and can stimulate protective immunity from pneumonic pasteurellosis in bighorn sheep.
Pasteurellosis is a bacterial disease that can infect humans and cattle, rabbits, cats and dogs.